Great christmas gifts for gay men

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The range’s perfectly balanced spicy, woody, oriental scent is designed by cult perfumer, Olivia Giacobetti. Hotel Costes is THE Hotel to stay at when in Paris with one’s latest squeeze, all the fash pack and AAA-listers stay there and this is the range that sits in all the bathrooms and dozens of the candles light your way through the foyer. He is interesting to buy for, but nothing is worse than turning up empty handed to his colour-themed, annual Christmas party: the tears, the falling to the floor, beating his fists on the teak, and that is just when he finds out Smythson stopped making his fave Thank You cards! Fear not, as he unwraps (anything from) the Bath & Body Range by Costes (from £11), a knowing smile will spread across his face as he recalculates your eligibility as his cohort for Elton’s next bash. In fact you once saw him cry in the street over a case of bad high-lights on a cute boy.

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With both Christmas and New Years happening in the same week, we’re certain the odd bit - or lot - of partying and drinking will be in store. 7) Quality eye cream Vanity should never be considered a bad thing, especially over the holidays. There are likewise some great concepts for gifting flowers to men. Your gay best friend will know exactly why you’re such good friends if you get him this gay xmas gift. Josh always looks and smells good, but he is EXTREMELY picky about everything that exists in his physicality. Below is a wonderful overview to help you obtain the very best gifts for men like fathers, boyfriends, bros, uncles and grandfathers.

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